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Adult Companies - Erotic Entertainment
Sex Dolls - Adult Dolls - Adult Toy Stores
Strip Clubs - Gentleman Clubs - Adult Clubs
Clothing Optional - Nudity - High Risk Merchants
The internet has changed the way we shop in modern times. And, this has had benefits especially for adult-based industries that call for discreetness. Think back to the times when one’s face would be flushed with embarrassment while scanning a sex toy at the cash counter! This is no more the case. As a customer, you can engage in adult dating or shop for sex toys in the privacy of your home. And, as a business owner, you need to be online because that’s where your customers are.
Setting up an online business requires that you choose a payment service enabling smooth credit card processing online. It is the key to attracting new customers and retaining the old ones. Therefore, it is imperative to have a merchant account in place. A merchant account holds the money earned from sales for a stipulated holding period. After that it transfers the revenues to a bank account. The ease of getting a merchant account depends on the risk associated with your business.
Adult entertainment industries fall in the bracket of high-risk businesses. Similar to the debt collection and travel industry, the likelihood of a chargeback is high. A disgruntled customer might initiate a refund request with his/her credit card company. There is also the risk of fraud due to the use of insecure forms of payment. This is due to strict rules and regulations associated with the adult industry which at times discourages regular payment processing. For many other payment processors working with businesses dealing in sex toys, adult dating, escorts and pornographic content becomes a matter of reputation. In addition to this, fraudulent businesses might get involved in cases of copyright infringement.
You can secure an adult merchant account for the following services.
Given its controversial content, getting an approved merchant account for your adult entertainment business can be difficult. Describing your business model can help instill confidence in the minds of underwriters. The most important requirement is that your business operations are legal. They should adhere to all the principles and regulations laid down by the region in which they operate. Complete the necessary documentation and provide the proofs asked for. The documents usually asked for include identity proofs, bank statements, credit history etc. A secure, active website is also a must-have for a fast approval process.
If you want to give your customers the best shopping experience, you need to offer them versatile payment solutions. To add, every type of adult business has its unique needs. The preferred option for payment is the use of credit and debit cards. ACH and Check processing are also used to process online payments. A few payment processors have started offering new payments solutions such as gift cards and anonymous payments. The use of prepaid card and e-wallets help maintain the anonymity of the customer too. A credit card payment processor can gain an advantage if they provide a facility to accept payments from international customers in foreign currencies.
One of the services provided by the adult entertainment industry includes memberships to strip clubs, adult dating websites, massage and spa boutiques and adult eContent sites. This includes making regular payments at fixed intervals. In addition to recurring payment billing, an adult merchant account should offer other payment processing options such as one-click billing, per-unit billing, and one-time billing.
When it comes to chargebacks, just like consumers, merchants can also dispute and win claims. The problem is that most merchants are unaware of a chargeback claim. It is often too late by the time they respond. A chargeback protection programme alerts businesses of chargebacks enabling them to take timely action. Thus, having a merchant account will not only help protect your business from a chargeback, but can also prevent losses, thereby minimizing the chargeback ratio. Similarly, setting up a fraud filter can help curb losses caused by fraudulent transactions.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when looking around for an adult merchant account: Opt for a high-risk provider that understands the risk inherent in your business. Choose an account provider like us that is willing to work with your type of business given its controversial content. High risk merchant accounts are on the pricier side, but look for accounts with competitive rates. The payment processor should offer scalable solutions; it should allow you to increase the credit card processing volume as your business grows. A quick approval and setup will give you an upper hand in the way you operate your business. Choose a payment processor offering a secure and trusted payment gateway. A multiple, integrated payment gateway is always the preferred option. They should offer customized solutions. Give your adult entertainment business a competitive edge by choosing the right merchant account.
Sign Up TodayThree easy steps to accepting credit cards.
Upon approval, normally within 48 hours, you will receive an email with your account credentials.
Log into your gateway account or mobile application to process credit cards.